This must be a milestone in the puppies' development. They are all nursing with gusto and those on the top layer have tails wagging happily. What happy puppies!
Another milestone, too. They all had their dew claws removed today. Not fun but it's over.
And of course today would be a big day. At 9:30, Prima was a week old; at 10:45 Ellie was a week old; and the rest in the hour + in between.
Lee Anne's Kestrel finished her field championship in style in Arizona today. Lee Anne was not expecting her to do as well as usual as she had recently been in season. Guess whatever she had to give was enough! Congratulations to Lee Anne and Kestrel winning a wonderful award for a wonderful career in lure coursing. Kestrel's mama Corky and sister Big Mo send their congratulations too even though they are green with envy as they didn't get to go run. See more about Kestrel at Flying Whippets <> I managed to take some pictures this morning and I learned two things about digital and puppies. First, a puppy - even a newborn - can move a lot between when one pushed the button and when the flash actually goes off. The second is that I need a lot of practice to take decent digital photos. I promise better pictures later but meanwhile I did put a couple up on the November 2007 page under Avita Puppies Big Mo kept us waiting for days but once she started she was quite the quick one. We had 7 babies in 1.25 hours - 4 beautiful girls and 3 handsome boys. All are brindle like Daddy Dog. - cb Last Thursday Big Mo had an ultrasound to make sure the puppies are okay. The vet checked the heart rate of two pups and finding them to be at the perfect rate and obviously in no distress, he announced that they will come one day. So Big Mo continues to knit little booties and I keep boiling water. - cb We're up at 4:30 this morning as Big Mo seems to be in the early stages of labor. This may be the day! More later.........with luck, there will be good news to share. - cb It seems as though Big Mo may have her puppies early. Sure hope not! I keep telling her that she needs to cook them a bit longer as they aren't quite done. - cb Last night I felt the puppies moving for the first time. One more hint of when they may show up. If Justin and Big Mo had been a little less lusty, the window of opportunity would be less than 10 days! - cb |
Cheryl with Corky,