What a week we just had. The puppies celebrated Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day by taking advantage of the fine weather and going outside for the first time. Wow - did they ever have fun after they got over their surprise at such a completely different environment than they had seen in their entire lives! A friend did get pictures and as soon as she has time to send them to me, I'll get them posted here.
We also had lots of company over the last week which the puppies enjoyed immensely. Most of the company were here primarily to see them. Even the ones that came to see the older creatures of the house - including me - got a kick out of seeing how they are growing.
The other big news of the week is that Big Mo actually managed to get the last leg needed to complete her obedience title (CD) on Sat the 29th. We were fortunate that there was a trial about 15 minutes away and so sneaked out for a go at it. What a trooper she is! I am so proud of her getting out there and giving a very credible performance. This qualified her to receive the American Whippet Club Champion Award of Versatility.
More pictures soon - sorry to be so long between. - cb
Monika brought her very nice camera over and we took conformation type pictures of the puppies. Let's just say that most of those are for family only. Once they learn to stand better we'll get better picutres. Meanwhile, we did get some cute ones of them enjoying the peanut butter (click here) and also of them dropping off to sleep when we were done. (click here) The other update is to move Justin and Big Mo's information to their own page. (click here) I added a link today to a site I heard of on a radio show. It is FreeRice and at the site you can simultaneously test and increase your English vocabulary and help feed the world. I came home from the office at lunch time only to be greeted at the door by Corky and Big Mo as usual and joining them in a tail wagging welcome home was Mooney! When I took her back to the puppy pool, there were only three others in there. I found one hiding behind the pool and one other the bed. Where was the other? The unearthly wailing I heard as I opened the door started again and I was able to follow it to Blaze stuck under the televition cabinet. Yikes! Time to move to the next stage. Last night to celebrate the puppies' third week, friends came over and we set about taking holiday themed pictures. At least fifty shots and several times retrieving a runaway puppy, we finally got a decent one of both the boys and the girls. The puppies were up and playing with one another when I went in this morning. How cute is that! The pups hit another milestone last night. I woke up partially to hear a bit of a kafuffle going on in the puppy room. I went in to see what was going on and sure enough, one of the puppies, Blaze, had gone over the wall! A couple of others were trying to follow her example. I guess I'll have to get that ex-pen set up sooner than I had expected. They are so much fun to watch now. They are up on their rear legs and are toddling about looking for all the world like drunkards stumbling out of the bar. Well, almost. They all have their eyes open and they are up on their rear legs and toddling though not all that well yet. They all continue to thrive and grow. By week 2, they had each tripled their birth weight. They are just so darned cute to watch. An A-One time suck. Earlier this week the first outside visitors came to see the pups. Tanesha, a local teenager who Big Mo knows and loves, and her mom, Monika, came and spent a pleasant hour with the pups. Big Mo had a moment here and there when she seemed a bit worried but all in all it went well. We'll be increasing the circle of visitors as we go forward. Today the puppies are two weeks old. It's quite a day. Button's eyes are open - well, mostly. Several others have good sized slits for eyes and they will be open in no time. I took on taking two week pictures by myself so - well, let's just say I'm no Rob. If you can put up with a bit of wobble, here they are |
Cheryl with Corky,