Avita Whippets puppy questionnaire
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Puppy Adoption Questionnaire
We want our puppy to be a much loved member of your family. Families are not all alike and puppies too are different; what would be a joy for one family would be a nightmare for another. Your answers to the questions below will help us understand your situation. And please feel free to ask us any questions you'd like. We're happy to provide references upon request.
About You:
Your name:
Phone - Day:
Phone - Night:
Phone - Cell:
About Your Home and Household
If you have children or if there are children who often visit, please tell us about them (ages, genders, & anything else you think might be relevant)
Does anyone in the household have serious allergies, physical disabilities, or other health problems that might relate to the type of dog that would be suitable? If so, please give us some idea of what they are.
Yes No
Who will be the primary caretaker(s) of the dog?
Occupation of primary caretaker (in general--we don't need details.)
Do you allow dogs on your furniture?
Yes No
What type home...
House Apartment Townhouse Other
...and community do you have?
City Suburbs Rural Other
How long have you lived here?
Do you rent or own?
Comments about home:
Do you have a fenced yard? What type of fencing and how tall is it? (wood, chain link, invisible etc.)
If you don't have a fenced yard, and even if you do, how will you exercise your whippet?
About Your Pets
Please tell us about any other pets you have. If dogs, how many, breeds or mixes, ages, whether inside or outside dogs, and whether they are neutered or spayed. If cats, whether they are indoor or outside, and ages.
How many dogs have you owned in the past 10 years?
Would you tell us what happened to them?
Who is your veterinarian? Is it all right if we call your veterinarian for a reference? If so, please provide his or her phone number.
About Your Whippet
How did you decide on a whippet as the breed for you?
Have you had or lived with a sighthound before? (sighthounds include Greyhounds, Afghans, Salukis, etc.)
Yes No
Which gender do you prefer (or does it matter?) Keep in mind that there are six girls and only one boy in this litter!
Male Female Doesn't matter
Is there anything else that's especially important to you as far as your future Whippet? (e.g., strong color preference, specific age, etc)
Will someone be home with your whippet during the day?
Yes No
If not, how many hours will he be alone?
Where will your dog stay while you're away?
Crate At large in house One room Yard
Where will your whippet sleep?
Will you keep the whippet primarily indoors or outdoors?
Please indicate any activities, if any, in which you plan or would like to participate with your whippet.
Conformation (showing)
Lure coursing
Hobby racing
Therapy dog
If not planning to show your dog, are you willing to spay/neuter her/him? Yes No
Should your circumstances change so that you were no longer able to care for this dog, will you agree to check with us before placing it in another home? Yes No
Please add anything about yourself that will help us understand how a whippet would fit your home and lifestyle. Include amount of time spent at home, amount & range of physical activity, travel, entertaining, "noise level" of household, anything you want to add about your children, other pets, etc.
This information will be used to help find a whippet for you. If we don't have a suitable one, is it all right for us to forward your information to other breeders who may be able to help?
Yes No
As you can tell, we take choosing a home for our puppies very seriously!
We want our puppy to be a much loved member of your family. Families are not all alike and puppies too are different; what would be a joy for one family would be a nightmare for another. Your answers to the questions below will help us understand your situation. And please feel free to ask us any questions you'd like. We're happy to provide references upon request.
About You:
Your name:
Phone - Day:
Phone - Night:
Phone - Cell:
About Your Home and Household
If you have children or if there are children who often visit, please tell us about them (ages, genders, & anything else you think might be relevant)
Does anyone in the household have serious allergies, physical disabilities, or other health problems that might relate to the type of dog that would be suitable? If so, please give us some idea of what they are.
Yes No
Who will be the primary caretaker(s) of the dog?
Occupation of primary caretaker (in general--we don't need details.)
Do you allow dogs on your furniture?
Yes No
What type home...
House Apartment Townhouse Other
...and community do you have?
City Suburbs Rural Other
How long have you lived here?
Do you rent or own?
Comments about home:
Do you have a fenced yard? What type of fencing and how tall is it? (wood, chain link, invisible etc.)
If you don't have a fenced yard, and even if you do, how will you exercise your whippet?
About Your Pets
Please tell us about any other pets you have. If dogs, how many, breeds or mixes, ages, whether inside or outside dogs, and whether they are neutered or spayed. If cats, whether they are indoor or outside, and ages.
How many dogs have you owned in the past 10 years?
Would you tell us what happened to them?
Who is your veterinarian? Is it all right if we call your veterinarian for a reference? If so, please provide his or her phone number.
About Your Whippet
How did you decide on a whippet as the breed for you?
Have you had or lived with a sighthound before? (sighthounds include Greyhounds, Afghans, Salukis, etc.)
Yes No
Which gender do you prefer (or does it matter?) Keep in mind that there are six girls and only one boy in this litter!
Male Female Doesn't matter
Is there anything else that's especially important to you as far as your future Whippet? (e.g., strong color preference, specific age, etc)
Will someone be home with your whippet during the day?
Yes No
If not, how many hours will he be alone?
Where will your dog stay while you're away?
Crate At large in house One room Yard
Where will your whippet sleep?
Will you keep the whippet primarily indoors or outdoors?
Please indicate any activities, if any, in which you plan or would like to participate with your whippet.
Conformation (showing)
Lure coursing
Hobby racing
Therapy dog
If not planning to show your dog, are you willing to spay/neuter her/him? Yes No
Should your circumstances change so that you were no longer able to care for this dog, will you agree to check with us before placing it in another home? Yes No
Please add anything about yourself that will help us understand how a whippet would fit your home and lifestyle. Include amount of time spent at home, amount & range of physical activity, travel, entertaining, "noise level" of household, anything you want to add about your children, other pets, etc.
This information will be used to help find a whippet for you. If we don't have a suitable one, is it all right for us to forward your information to other breeders who may be able to help?
Yes No
As you can tell, we take choosing a home for our puppies very seriously!