Argh....the puppies found several ways to get under the fence to my neighbor's yard. Head count was down three - made the trip to the neighbor's - one puppy retrieved.
Back to my yard - head count still down two. While this is going on, the big girls are jumping on me and the puppies that kindly stayed home are biting my ankles. The big girls go in the house and the door closes behind them. The homey puppies go into an ex pen (no more free range pups at my house) and as I head back to the neighbor's, one wiggles out from under the fence and goes into the ex pen pronto.
Over to the neighbor's yard - no puppy. Check out opposite fence and find no obvious place to go on through to the next neighbor's yard.
Back to my yard practically in tears. It is the littlest one that is missing - he is just over half as big as the largest ones. As I walk in, he bounds towards me with a happy little bounce. Thank goodness but oy vey - I could do without this much before coffee.
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Every day is different with these guys. Today, Princess did her very best impression of jaws with her litter mates. Taser and Key boy were particularly snuggly. Both tried to jump into my lap several times and both took a little snooze in a puppy pile with Mr P on my lap. The little biggie piggies were free in the house while I quickly cleaned their room as it had gotten too hot to leave them outside. There were the two or three little puddles for which I was prepared. It's striking how much their personalities/characteristics can change in just a few days. Taser, former tormentor of the littler ones is now as sweet as he can be to all. He is also coming over and asking for hugs. On the other hand, the Dude, once the laid back big slacker, is moving along the dimension that heads to tormentor at the extreme. Key Boy has turned into Mr Affectionate Cuddler. I think he found he really liked all those hugs he got this weekend. In contrast, he is also a bit more assertive with the others while playing. Poor Dude was omitted from the individual shots through the error of photographing Cosmo twice. In our defense, they are both blonde as am I which probably explains a lot if jokes are to be believed. Friends helped me correct this error and you can see his first go at stacking for better or worse by clicking here Time to rebuild the puppy pen. Yesterday, Mr. P and Princess were climbing out regularly. Today, it's the Dude and Princess. Time to get the taller ex-pens up. Shoot - now I won't be able to just reach over to pick them up or put something in the pen. Finally had a chance to post a few of the candids from this last weekend. We had so much fun. See the pics here The pups have been spending time in the back yard several times a day. They are so adorable as they romp about. Fortunately, we've had some visitors who have taken wonderful pictures. Watch this space for those. Except for the Dude. It was quite a week with my puter's untimely death, the older dogs going through the plate glass window (amazingly unscathed), etc. |
Cheryl with Corky,